Fusce nec ultrices lectus. Duis nec scelerisque risus. Ut id tempor turpis, ac dignissim ipsum. Nulla ullamcorper, ipsum vel condimentum congue, mi odio vehicula tellus, sit amet malesuada justo sem.
Pellentesque in sagittis lacus, vel auctor sem. Quisque eu quam eleifend, ullamcorper dui nec, luctus quam.
In sem sem, dapibus non lacus auctor, ornare sollicitudin lacus. Aliquam ipsum urna, semper quis.
In sem sem, dapibus non lacus auctor, ornare sollicitudin lacus. Aliquam ipsum urna, semper quis.
In sem sem, dapibus non lacus auctor, ornare sollicitudin lacus. Aliquam ipsum urna, semper quis.
A credit union, a type of financial institution similar to a commercial bank, is a member-owned nonprofit financial cooperative. Credit unions generally provide services to members similar to retail banks, including deposit accounts, provision of credit, and other financial services.[1][2] In several African countries, credit unions are commonly referred to as SACCOs (Savings and Credit Co-Operative Societies).[3] Worldwide, credit union systems vary significantly in their total assets and average institution asset size, ranging from volunteer operations with a handful of members to institutions with hundreds of thousands of members and assets worth billions of US dollars.[4] In 2018, the number of members in credit unions worldwide was 274 million, with nearly 40 million members having been added since 2016.[5] Leading up to the financial crisis of 2007–2008, commercial banks engaged in approximately five times more subprime lending relative to credit unions and were two and a half times more likely to fail during the crisis.[6] American credit unions more than doubled lending to small businesses between 2008 and 2016, from $30 billion to $60 billion, while lending to small businesses overall during the same period declined by around $100 billion.[7] In the US, public trust in credit unions stands at 60%, compared to 30% for big banks.[8] Furthermore, small businesses are 80% less likely to be dissatisfied with a credit union than with a big bank.[9] "Natural-person credit unions" (also called "retail credit unions" or "consumer credit unions") serve individuals, as distinguished from "corporate credit unions.
Read More"Nulla ullamcorper, ipsum vel condimentum congue, mi odio vehicula tellus, sit amet malesuada justo sem sit amet quam. Pellentesque in sagittis lacus."
"In eget leo ante. Sed nibh leo, laoreet accumsan euismod quis, scelerisque a nunc. Mauris accumsan, arcu id ornare malesuada, est nulla luctus nisi."
"Ut ultricies maximus turpis, in sollicitudin ligula posuere vel. Donec finibus maximus neque, vitae egestas quam imperdiet nec. Proin nec mauris eu tortor consectetur tristique."
"Curabitur sollicitudin, tortor at suscipit volutpat, nisi arcu aliquet dui, vitae semper sem turpis quis libero. Quisque vulputate lacinia nisl ac lobortis."